maandag 6 augustus 2007

Pancake and salt and chutney!!!!!!!

We got a mail from three Belgium girls that they wanted to do a project (film) on the LesBiT group. Pancake, salt and Chutney arrived. Pancake (Zara), Salt (Liese, as she is very essential) and spicy sexy Marjan being the chutney shocked us when they met us. We became friends immediately and even the LesBiT group related to them very happily. While there were very serious discussions about their film they helped us enormously with our program breaking the silence while we were actually shouting. hoping to do great work with them. Yes Liese Marjan and Zara are precious to us and all of us in LesBiT would love to have them to work with us.
Sum, Asa, sun, arnav sonu and allllllllllll

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Ik ben blij dat ik na wat researchwerk ook de link naar deze site kon bemachtigen. Jammer dat ik niet van het begin kon meelezen maar ik ga een groot inhaalmanoeuvre doen vandaag.

Amuseer jullie nog ferm. Het ziet er sjiek uit.


Anoniem zei

You go girls! :) !

Ben benieuwd naar de reisverhalen. Laat nog iets van jullie horen!
